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The charms of pleasure of the moment so blinded by desire that they cannot foresee the pain and trouble that are bound desire ensue and equal blame.
Prenti Drim
StudentThe charms of pleasure of the moment so blinded by desire that they cannot foresee the pain and trouble that are bound desire ensue and equal blame.
Alon Shari
StudentThe charms of pleasure of the moment so blinded by desire that they cannot foresee the pain and trouble that are bound desire ensue and equal blame.
Jon Alex
StudentThe charms of pleasure of the moment so blinded by desire that they cannot foresee the pain and trouble that are bound desire ensue and equal blame.
Alex Fedro
StudentThe charms of pleasure of the moment so blinded by desire that they cannot foresee the pain and trouble that are bound desire ensue and equal blame.
Saiko Najran
StudentRead Latest News
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De la NeuroVânzări la NeuroAsigurări
Problemele in vanzari pe care le-a generat recesiunea economica recenta nu persista doar in sectorul asigurarilor, ci aproape in toate sectoarele de vanzari. De multe ori,...
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Îi convingi pe ceilalți prin modul în care o spui
Oamenii trimit și interpretează subconștient semnale de comunicare provenite din postura corpului, gesturi, expresii...
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”Pregătiți-vă pentru impact!” – Miracolul de pe râul Hudson.
O superbă lecție de NeuroLeadership. În ziua de 15 ianuarie 2009, la câteva minute de...